Examples of Merlyn Voice Commands

Rachel Robbins
Rachel Robbins
  • Updated


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To get you started with what to ask Merlyn, you will find some examples of voice commands below, arranged in different categories.


To ask Merlyn for information
“What time is it?” or “How is the weather in California?”

To set timers and alarms
“Set a timer for 10 minutes” or “Set an alarm for 1pm” or “Stop/cancel timer”
NB: Then press any button on the remote to stop the chime.

To view and manage your connected devices
“Switch display” or “Show my laptop” or "Switch to HDMI one"

To navigate Google Drive on your computer
“Go to my Google Drive” or “Search for Ocean presentation in Google Drive”

To control your media on your computer or YouTube
“Play/pause/stop the video” or “Go to 9 minutes and 30 seconds in the video”

To browse the web and navigate pages
“Go to the Promethean website” or “Scroll up/down”

To navigate Tabs
“Go to the first/second/last tab” or “Close this tab”

To access your bookmarks
“Open my bookmark about Promethean” or “Show me my bookmarks”

To search for content
“Search for pictures of animals in Google” or “Search Wikipedia for the periodic table”

To search for videos on YouTube
“Search for dolphin videos on YouTube”

To use your remote
“Pair/unpair remote” or “Find my remote”

To get help
“Open hints*” or “Open settings” or “Help”


*Merlyn’s Hints will help you discover what Merlyn can do for you along the way.

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